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Unable to Open Whiteboard on Microsoft Teams Rooms on Android - FIXED

How to Update Microsoft Teams Rooms with PowerShell | Upgrading MTRoW

Hello there! Three weeks ago, I took part of Get-CSLATAM Conference in Mexico City, and I needed to take many devices there, so I asked a colleague for demo equipment. The mini PC for Microsoft Teams Rooms was delivered to my house, and I noticed it was running one old version of Windows and Teams App, therefore, it couldn't display the new home screen design and there were no advance features.

How to Update Microsoft Teams Rooms

As you might expected, I upgraded that MTRoW because I wanted to show attendees how to take advantage of Teams Rooms and how to set them up, but my colleague is a great guy and he sent me a new Mini PC in order to show you how to upgrade your Teams rooms. Thank you so much JM for giving me an idea about a new blog post and, sending me another PC, in case you are reading this blog post.

Do you prefer a video to a reading? Take a look at my TY video:

Today, I'll take you trough powershell and Teams App. First of all, you don't need to upgrade your Teams Rooms every time Microsoft releases a new app version because Microsoft store updates your system in maintenance hours, but it's essential learning how to manually upgrade your system app. 

Now, let's get started. Go to admin account, if you didn't set a password, it would be "sfb".