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How to Set up a Zoom Room for the First Time | Configuring an Android Device for Conference Room

Nowadays, many companies are looking for enabling hybrid work, so It's really important to know how to install and deploy a Zoom Room for shared spaces.

First, you need to get a Zoom Room License, as far as I know, you can get it via Zoom One Enterprise License. However, I recommend you read more on Zoom Pricing & Plans.

Before connecting your devices, I highly recommend you manage your devices with ZDM (Zoom Device Management), but your company network includes firewall or proxy servers? If so, you need to add "" to the allowed list of network domains in order to allow communication with ZDM server.
Also, check the following configurations:






ZR Controller to ZR



ZR Controller or Scheduler to Cloud


3478, 3479, 8801

ZR to Cloud


8801, 8802, 443

ZR to Cloud



Client to ZR (Direct Share)



Client to ZR (Direct Share)                    

Are you planning to connect your video system to wireless and controller to wired network or, vice versa? Well, please ensure that wireless can reach wired subnet.
It's time to connect your devices, you have Studio X Series? Visit this blog post in order to know how to do it.

Now, we're ready to get into ZDM, go to on your preferred browser, and enter your Email Address and password or, use SSO options. Remember that you must have the zoom rooms privilege.

Under admin options, click on Room Management > Zoom Rooms

Now,  click +Add Room button.

You must select a Room Type, in this post I'm talking about Zoom Room for shared spaces, but I'll set aside time to talk about other types later. In this moment, please select option for shared spaces as Room type.

Set the Room Name, and if you have already linked a calendar service, choose one. However, you can choose it later, so don't worry if you haven't linked one.

Last but not least, choose a location, and then you can save and add another room or, just finish. In this example, let's click on Finish button, but if you wanna add another room, then click on Save & Add Another button and repeat the steps above.

Now, select your new room, and click on Room Settings.